Saturday, February 27, 2010

Links to all five articles:
Parental relations with the average 18 year old

Street Rat Crazy

Protein and Weight Gain

Boxer the Face of Pure Love

Guilty Pleasure is a Fun Obsession

Winter Blues are SAD

Friday, February 26, 2010
Eighteen-year-olds and you
Protein and Weight Gain. Does too much protein cause weight gain.
Sweet, swt man. Hubby. Wnt to the store, bought me Candy sampler, musical card. Says feeling droopy, loopy, whoopee plays hang on Sloopy.
Deer and snow outside my patio doors. I'm watching them both. Relaxing and interesting.
Money, money,money. Because of you, Thanks I made 26 cents on this article yesterday. Please keep reading and commenting.
Pain, Pain, pain. I'm really hurting this morning. Already took my pills.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Washer repair man on the way. The Van, commode and me repaired. Big truck, hot tub, power washer, chain saw and generator still need done.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

surgery went well. thanks for prayers. got a pain blocker shot, but still hurts. can only type with one hand. too hard to do caps

Monday, February 22, 2010

Started writing at 2:30 am, it's 8:30 pm. Eighteen hours. Tired. Maybe I can get a little more done in the next am.
I didn't make my goal. I'm too tired. But I got four articles up. That's not too bad. I still have until the 28th, but there's surgery.
Surgery tomorrow at 7:30 am. I'll be there at 6:45. They have a bunch they're doing to that one shoulder. The nurse read it, I said yeah, ye
Thanks, whoever read Guilty Pleasure is a Fun Obsession and Boxer Dog a Face of Pure Love. I can't see your name on the site.
I have two new articles Guilty Pleasure

Boxer's the Face of Love

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Long day-but I got my house cleaned and my taxes ready to be done!!! Almost 12:30 here. I'm hitting the sack-the hay-my husband. Oh my. Nite
Money, money, money. I've made 46 cents on my article. Take a peak if you haven't already.
Cleaning done, now for my taxes. Makes me tired to think about it. LOL
Saturday energy-You get up and get busy because you have to: do laundry, sweep, dishes, strip beds, finish bills, dust, mop, clean toilets.

Friday, February 19, 2010

This is so cute. Patience. Resisting temptation.
Grrr-Do I have too many posts that start with Grr. Now my little laptop's cord has gone bad. Shhh I stole my husband's cord, fits perfectly.
At 4:00 I'm off to get ready for my date. We're going to the Lebanese restaurant. They have belly dancers.
Eating my breakfast soup and looking at my two clean desks, that won't be that way for long and noticed my perpetual calendar is on Dec.30

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The dusk to dawn girl got to writing and lost track of time. I was going to bed at two in the afternoon, now look it's almost 11. GOODNIGHT!
First article for Suite 101. Please, please go read it and leave me a comment. Get paid by the comments and if anyone orders from ads.
Danskins are on and I did Zumba, Core Rythyms, Belly dance exercises, this morning. Love mornings so much energy. Now at 2 I feel done.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inefficient people drive me bonkers. I explain things in detail via post-a-notes for a bill collector. Another person makes copies-removes

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Loved the snow today, went walking and sleigh riding without the sleigh. I'm wearing down now. I've been working for around 12 hours.
Who-Ah. I'll be writing for Suite 101. They have info on just about everything.
Snowed under with paper work. Other truck drivers will understand. I've sorted piles and piles of mail.
Good Morning WV and everyone else. Watching the snow and trying to get my fire started. Planning a big writing day. Been awake since 2. Up 4
Baggett drivers, have any of you team drivers experienced running solo for awhile. How was the pay?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day. Hope yours is as good as mine.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Waiting for my writing friend Kaye to read over my second article and then I'm submitting them to Suite 101. See if they will accept me.
Bath finished, I look a little prunish. LOL Had vegetable soup for breakfast and now I'm ready to write.
Guilty pleasure--Time for an extremely long bath in my jacuzzi tub. Many things I should be doing, grab a quick shower and get busy...Nah!!
Up at 3 am watching weather. Anyone else do that?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thank you all for your prayers and Praise God. My disability has been approved. Need to call Gary at OOIDA and tell him thanks.
Found a knot on my shoulder about an inch tall or so. Strange. The seat belt found it. LOL

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Daughter has Labral tear in her shoulder. Doc gave he a cortisone shot today and exercises to do.
Love absorbing info on the Net and I love sharing and reading all the links my friends send me. I especially love the writing sites.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Anyone besides us and the Herlongs out playing in the ice and snow. Traveling at 25-45 mph. LOL Hitting it coming and going.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Del. He's been getting calls all day. Just two grandkids to go and I don't know who else. He is loved. *smile*
Early morning catch up on email. Always behind by a couple of hundred posts.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Shower, junk food, TV and sleep. You guessed it, we're down for the night in AR.
Where in the world are the Grogg's. Guess where we are. Can't type well because my fingers won't stay on the keyboard.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I just graduated my second ICL Course. 2 year Children's book writing course. I previously finished the two courses at Long Ridge
I probably won't have to do any driving tonight. We're over half way there now.
Reading and critiquing a few stories. Very interesting. I always hope that I'm a great help to the author.
Disability appeal turned down. I contacted someone from OOIDA to pursue it some more.
Truck broke again. Not so bad, The airline--tack another $80 onto yesterday's $625. Whew!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Broke down on Hwy 70 in IL. Close to Troy, IL.
Got bills situated-adding a bunch of Doctor and Hospital bills-amounts dues, addresses, acct. numbers, now the bank has a notice-wait 20 min
Getting my bills done before this computer goes down. If it does I'll have to use Del's, but I have all my stuff on my two laptops. Grr.
Good Morning MO. Snow on ground. Watching sunrise. Typing through cracked screen. Ordered power cord for other laptop.