Go Big Truck--Life on the Road through the eyes of a truck-driving team, Del and Cher'ley Grogg. Bits of information about their hobbies, Lizzie--their dog, the loved ones they left at home, truck and traffic info and their other interests will be posted here. Comments, guest posts and suggestions will be appreciated.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Great! http://ping.fm/dVoHP I'd sure like to sell an ebook today http://ping.fm/IPjm6 or even a paperback. Thanks
Friday, March 30, 2012
Sale, Amazon has a buy 3 get one free-4 for the price of 3 right now on the paperback. http://ping.fm/TvSfq
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Ran out of time to click on all my friends names on Facebook and elsewhere Ya'll come if you can book signing for "Stamp Out Murder" http://ping.fm/SebAq
Wow now-12 likes and seven friends on my newly formed Book page at Facebook. Way Cool! Thanks. http://ping.fm/AtVby
My online sales have stymied. Individual sales through me are still doing well. If you haven't got your copy yet, now would be a great time http://ping.fm/Jg2nr
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Hey, how ya doing? Here's the link for my friends who haven't had a chance to get "Stamp Out Murder". Ebook & Paperback http://ping.fm/oqjDZ
Readers and people who love to read. I just added 30+ people who said they love to read. I love to be read. Please try it. http://ping.fm/yqSXh
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
If you read "Stamp Out Murder" and you didn't buy it from Amazon, I'd still love to have a review. You can post it here in the comments http://ping.fm/p7ERN
I was so tired (3 hours sleep in 3 days), then I read the new review and my FB friends enthusiasm and got a bit revived and this is at 191 http://ping.fm/HaEvQ
Ooo-oo-ooo I just got another review. That's my 3rd one and so far so great! Thanks http://ping.fm/mcW56
Monday, March 26, 2012
Popular with Young Adults. I have a lot of teens reading and liking "Stamp Out Murder". http://ping.fm/0L9ez
Anyone finished "Stamp Out Murder"? Del is on chap 7 & Ciara 13-Brenda and Deb finished and left reviews. Where are You? http://ping.fm/qOGwp
Kaye George has an honest and interesting blog about her writing experiences. Well worth following. Take a look http://ping.fm/oOtHw
Sometimes people think of writing a novel, you should watch this or if you have questions about the writing process. Funny but true. http://ping.fm/nbz0h
I need addresses to mail your novel. If you want to order or are waiting on your order send me your address at cherleygrogg@gmail.com http://ping.fm/cF3zA
Sunday, March 25, 2012
2:30 am-I hope you're feeling the love! Stamp Out Murder has 3 books going to AL, 2 to OH, 1 to Tn and 1 to NC in the morning. http://ping.fm/zpJm8
My Book Trailer is at 185. Exciting, yes? Just think 16 more and I'll pass 200. Never dreamed it. Thanks. http://ping.fm/dTTSo
Who-Ah Up to 17 Kindle books and 13 paperback. I sold 4 to someone, I won't mention their name yet and 1 other one today. WOW http://ping.fm/I38vk
181 Folks. It's your views that put it there. Thank you. It's a popular minute video. http://ping.fm/kuFai
Saturday, March 24, 2012
So sad. No activity this morning. But, I sold a couple of more from home yesterday. http://ping.fm/HrXMe
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Customer Reviews-I only have 2 so far-Have you finished "Stamp Out Murder", please leave me a review if you have. http://ping.fm/frkW5
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
My website-that is in need of updating, but I put a link to my book on the 3rd page. http://ping.fm/tvgjD
Who-Ah didn't sell any Kindle editions so far today, but the paperback is up to 11. http://ping.fm/KGvZ4
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Sale Amazon-Stamp Out Murder is eligible for our 4-for-3 promotion. Garden, and other items, including books are eligible with my book. http://ping.fm/mIuzX
WOW Stamp Out Murder 13 Kindle, 9 paperback on Amazon, 10 sold at the book signing today. http://ping.fm/Y4pDt
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Things have slowed down a bit. I haven't sold any books since this morning, but the trailer is up to 145 views. Yea! http://ping.fm/4SIxB
About Stamp Out Murder
Debbie Shuster Neubecker (friends with Shannon Graley) commented on a post you were tagged in.
"checking in, i am 70% through the book, love love love it!!!!!! wish i could just sit and read until i am finished but have domestic things to do too!!!!!! Cherley Grogg, i sure do hope you write many more books;-). thanks shannon for suggesting it, i was just heading to look for a new read, when you posted;-)."
Debbie Shuster Neubecker (friends with Shannon Graley) commented on a post you were tagged in.
"checking in, i am 70% through the book, love love love it!!!!!! wish i could just sit and read until i am finished but have domestic things to do too!!!!!! Cherley Grogg, i sure do hope you write many more books;-). thanks shannon for suggesting it, i was just heading to look for a new read, when you posted;-)."
Friday, March 16, 2012
WOW-6 paperback novels and 7 Kindles sold today and the 20 copies I ordered are sold. http://ping.fm/CaNCf
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
My Easter Memories short story doesn't have any views. I know Carol was there. Please give it a click. http://ping.fm/uzfeE
Need 13 more views to make 100. One minute trailer for Stamp Out Murder. Thanks. http://ping.fm/pEOqz
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Here's some of my Fun Easter Memories. What was your Easter like? Please share. http://ping.fm/vhBKd
71 Views! You guys rock-you've viewed, shared on facebook and tweeted. It's worked. http://ping.fm/zRyIG
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Posted last night for my nite-owl friends so today for my morning friends. I have 15 views and one comment. http://ping.fm/3uLt8
Friday, March 9, 2012
My Book Trailer--Check it out please. I'd like to get about 100 hits. I know that's pushing it. http://ping.fm/V7d4E
Friday, March 2, 2012
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