Some of the blessings from being out on the road are the sights. All the beautiful scenery is amazing, and some of it is just indescribable. When I saw this incredible sunrise in my mirror, I thought, I’m always going the wrong directions when something like this appears, so I took the photo and it turned out wonderful with the sunrise in the mirror matching the scene that was in front of me.
I wish I had the time to stop and explore, unfortunately we are always under time restraints. There’s a site that Google added, called G+, which makes it nice to upload many of the photos that I take on the road. If you are interested I will add you to my G+ circle.
The way I usually take the photos is to hold my cell phone out to the side and snap. I get what I get, and I have got some pretty amazing photos. Sometimes they end up like this:

My sister-in-law Carol Dicken sent me this:

And the other thing that makes trucking great is meeting people like you. Leave me a comment.