Saturday, October 4, 2014

Home again. We are getting home more than we are getting out.
Yesterday's interesting adventure was going through this tiny town and I was not able to make the turn without taking out the lamp post. On streets like these the Big, Solid, Line that vehicles are supposed to stop behind at a red light, needs to be farther back.. Fortunately a big truck going the other way was able to angle to the right in order to let me make the turn. Thanks' big truck driver, I didn't get a chance to thank you in person.

Also yesterday, someone gave us the wrong address to deliver. Needless to say we got down a dead end road that did not have room for us to do a Uie.

Life in the Fast Lane.
Went through a little town yesterday and almost took out a light pole. It was so close to the road where I needed to make a right hand turn onto, that I didn't think I was going to make it. I probably wouldn't have if it hadn't been for a nice trucker who angled his truck in such a way as to give me more room. Thanks Big Truck Driver.