Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life in the Fast Lane--Bad Drivers and Taxes (Unrelated)

So muddy, clean the truck floor, drag in more mud, clean the truck floor, drag in more mud. 

My least favorite chore on the truck is making the bed. Yesterday, I washed the linens and rugs, swept the truck out real well and removed a ton (no exaggeration) of merchandise from the truck. Del cleaned his toolboxes and the Outhouse (headache rack). After all that, I broke two nails and skinned my knuckles tucking the sheets behind and under the mattress. Oh, but it's so nice to have clean, fresh sheets against your body. (Smiles) 

On the way home, I determined Pennsylvania gets the bad drivers award (If I were giving an award—Altogether now—RASBERRY, ok, try that again RASBERRY). I almost ran over at least 5 or 6 4-wheelers (cars). They just seemed to pass me and then come to a near stop. 

They were all over the road, and almost all of them were on their cell phones. You can tell when someone gets a phone call—4-wheeler or Semi. They swerve a little, slow down, wobble and then straighten, still going under the speed limit. You could give them the bird, stick your tongue out, flirt, whatever you wanted to do, and they would not notice you. Hey person on the cell phone, you're a driving and about to cause a 20 vehicle pile-up. Hands-free is better. All drivers need a headset. I know you're just running to the store or taking Junior to soccer, but you know someone will call you before you get back home. 
Del discovered chains are not that easy to put on the tires and that we have the wrong size. Grr. Best solution, just don't go anywhere chains have to be put on. Right! 

Tax time is ridiculous for a truck driver. I've worked like crazy most of the time we've been home to record the receipts. I know, should have been doing it all year. Next year, I promise. Today I must finish and get it ready to mail to my accountant. The magic worker, Nils Lenz. Thanks Nils.

Next time we meet, I'll let you know how my NUWave Oven is doing. I'm also going to have a guest blogger. Next week think of F words, in a nice way. Flattery-fun-fabulous-food-fast. Leave me a comment here and send me an email with your ideas on Life in the Fast Lane and F-words and your email may be what the next blog is about. Welcome to guest bloggers. 

Our ID photos

Gotta go, need to work some more on my taxes and finish the laundry. Catch you later from The Fast Lane.

1 comment:

Cindy Lou said...

You are pretty funny Cherley! Love reading your blog.
Making the bed is the least favorite thing I have to do also.